My Projects

Below are some of my favorite projects that I have completed
both for appAcademy and independently

Ollie (Solo)
Pet-sitting Services

GitHub Repo

  • Created API routes using Python/Flask to access creation, rendering, updates, and deletion of users, pets, reviews, and bookings.
  • Used PostgreSQL to construct Database Management System(DBMS) to comprehensively store/manage data.
  • Crafted user-centric UX using React and Redux, allowing the user to Interact and update the Redux State.
  • Utilized an AWS bucket to handle the addition, storage, and retrieval of images.

BrewReview (Team)
Coffee Shop Reviews

GitHub Repo

  • Developed a Database Management System (DBMS) using PostgreSQL to efficiently handle and organize all data.
  • Created API routes using Python/Flask to handle coffee shops, reviews, and images.
  • Used React to create a UI that allowed users to create, update, and delete from a PostgresSQL database.
  • Served as team lead, tasked with a majority of the driving as well as assigning tasks to team members.

WindBoB (solo)
AirBnB clone

GitHub Repo

  • Utilized JS and Express to handle all backend routes and CRUD operations
  • Used React and Redux to create a clean User Interface (UI), and allows users to send requests


Coding languages / programs that I am familiar with, and have used the most

  • JavaScript

    Learned Basic JavaScript in January and February 2024, learned Express, which was used as the backend for WindBoB.

  • Python

    Learned basic Python in May 2024, applied that knowledge to then learn Flask, and used that as my backend route handler for both Ollie & BrewReview.

  • React + Redux

    Used React to create a UI for all of the following: Ollie, BrewReview, and WindBoB. Learned how to use JSX and pull from a Redux state.

  • SQL

    Used PostgresSQL for storage in Ollie as well as Sequelize and SQLite in almost all projects at appAcademy.

  • AWS

    Used AWS buckets for photo / media storage in both Ollie & BrewReview.


    Learned the basics for HTML/CSS in November 2023. HTML/CSS helped with the development of my knowledge towards React JSX and helped me create all front-end UIs for websites.


Send me an email with any questions or business inquiries, or follow me with any of the links below