Learned Basic JavaScript in January and February 2024, learned Express, which was used as the backend for WindBoB.
Learned basic Python in May 2024, applied that knowledge to then learn Flask, and used that as my backend route handler for both Ollie & BrewReview.
React + Redux
Used React to create a UI for all of the following: Ollie, BrewReview, and WindBoB. Learned how to use JSX and pull from a Redux state.
Used PostgresSQL for storage in Ollie as well as Sequelize and SQLite in almost all projects at appAcademy.
Used AWS buckets for photo / media storage in both Ollie & BrewReview.
Learned the basics for HTML/CSS in November 2023. HTML/CSS helped with the development of my knowledge towards React JSX and helped me create all front-end UIs for websites.